Přehled všech základních modelů série Models of Yesteryear 1956 – 2002
Následující seznam série Models of Yesteryear obsahuje všechny základní typy modelů “CODE 1” od roku 1956 do roku 2002, kterým bylo přiděleno v průběhu výroby v katalogovém označení na prvním místě písmeno Y.
Zařazení modelů do tabulky vychází ze tří hledisek:
- odlišná základní forma odlitku karosérie,
- tvarová odlišnost plastových modelových doplňků,
- různé katalogové označení.
Uvedený přehled nezohledňuje:
- vývojové drobné odlišnosti odlitkových forem, vytvářející varianty jednoho a téhož modelu,
- typy kol, barevné a potiskové rozdíly téhož tvaru modelu,
- modely s kódem počínajícím “DYM” zařazené později do série Dinky, i když původní předlohou odpovídají sérii Yesteryear,
- modely série Matchbox Collectibles pouze s číselným označením bez “Y”, byť i třeba svůj modelový ekvivalent v předchozím období nemají, stejně tak olympijskou sérii “Olympic Heritage Collectable”,
- pokovené modely určené pro dárkové předměty,
- modely s počátečním označením YDL, YEX, YFW, YGL, YPD, YPW, YSG, či například YTV, neboť nejde o modely “CODE 1”.
Seznam je řazený abecedně podle katalogových čísel. Jejich řada není souvislá, protože některá čísla nikdy nebyla použita. Patnáct zcela totožných modelů se prodávalo pod dvěma různými katalogovými čísly – v tabulce je druhé číslo uvedeno v závorce. V případě, že měl tvarově stejný model téhož označení více barevných či potiskových mutací, je v tabulce uveden vždy jen první vydaný.
Na základě výše uvedených kritérií bylo za celé období existence Models of Yesteryear uvedeno na trh celkem 410 modelů. Z tohoto počtu je 202 základních die-cast odlitků a dalších 90 se navíc lišilo modelovými plastovými doplňky střech, nákladů apod. V období výroby v Anglii a Macau v letech 1956 – 1992 vzniklo celkem 129 různých modelů a v období výroby koncernem Mattel v letech 1992 – 2002 v Číně celkem 281 modelů.
Katalogové označení | Název | Specifikace | Série | Rok prvního uvedení |
Y-1 A | 1925 Allchin Traction engine | 1956 | ||
Y-1 B | 1911 Ford Model T | 1964 | ||
Y-1 C | 1936 Jaguar SS100 | 1977 | ||
Y-2 A | 1911 B Type London Bus | 1956 | ||
Y-2 B | 1911 Renault Two Seater | 1963 | ||
Y-2 C | 1914 Vauxhall Prince Henry | 1970 | ||
Y-2 D | 1930 Bentley 4.5 Litre | 1985 | ||
Y-3 A | 1907 London E Class Tramcar | 1956 | ||
Y-3 B | 1910 Benz Limousine | 1965 | ||
Y-3 C | 1934 Riley MPH | 1974 | ||
Y-3 D | 1912 Ford Model T Tanker | BP | 1981 | |
Y-3 D | 1912 Ford Model T Tanker | Red Crown | 1986 | |
Y-4 A | 1928 Sentinel Steam Waggon | 1956 | ||
Y-4 B | 1905 Shand Mason Horse Drawn Fire Engine | 1960 | ||
Y-4 C | 1909 Opel Coupe | 1967 | ||
Y-4 D | 1930 Duesenberg Model J Town Car | 1976 | ||
Y-5 A | 1929 Bentley Le Mans | 1958 | ||
Y-5 B | 1929 Bentley 4.5 Litre | 1962 | ||
Y-5 C | 1907 Peugeot | 1969 | ||
Y-5 D | 1927 Talbot Van | Liptons Tea s královským znakem | 1978 | |
Y-5 E | 1930 Leyland Titan Bus | Robin Starch | 1989 | |
Y-6 A | 1916 AEC Y Type Lorry | 1957 | ||
Y-6 B | 1926 Bugatti Type 35 | 1961 | ||
Y-6 C | 1913 Cadillac | 1968 | ||
Y-6 D | 1920 Rolls-Royce Fire Engine | 1977 | ||
Y-6 E | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Stuttgarter Hofbräu | 1988 | |
Y-7 A | 1918 Leyland 4 Ton Lorry | 1957 | ||
Y-7 B | 1913 Mercer Raceabout Type 35J | 1961 | ||
Y-7 C | 1912 Rolls-Royce | 1968 | ||
Y-7 D | 1930 Ford Model A Breakdown Truck | Barlow | 1985 | |
Y-8 A | 1926 Morris Cowley Bullnose | 1958 | ||
Y-8 B | 1914 Sunbeam Motorcycle with Milford Sidecar | 1962 | ||
Y-8 C | 1914 Stutz Type 4E Roadster | 1969 | ||
Y-8 D | 1945 MG TC | 1978 | ||
Y-8 E | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | Johnnie Walker | 1987 | |
Y-8 E | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | William Pritchard | 1989 | |
Y-9 A | 1924 Fowler Big Lion Showmans Engine | Lesney’s Modern Amusements | 1958 | |
Y-9 B | 1912 Simplex | 1968 | ||
Y-9 C | 1920 Leyland 3 Ton Lorry | 1985 | ||
Y-9 D | 1936 Leyland Cub FK-7 Fire Engine | 1989 | ||
Y-10 A | 1908 Mercedes Grand Prix | 1958 | ||
Y-10 B | 1928 Mercedes-Benz 36-220 | 1963 | ||
Y-10 C | 1906 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost | 1969 | ||
Y-10 D | 1957 Maserati 250F | 1986 | ||
Y-10 E | 1931 Diddler Trolley Bus | Ronuk | 1988 | |
Y-11 A | 1920 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller | 1958 | ||
Y-11 B | 1912 Packard Landaulet | 1964 | ||
Y-11 C | 1938 Lagonda Drophead Coupe | 1972 | ||
Y-11 D | 1932 Bugatti Type 51 | 1986 | ||
Y-11 E | 1924 Bugatti Type 35 | 1990 | ||
Y-12 A | 1899 London Horse Drawn Bus | 1959 | ||
Y-12 B | 1909 Thomas Flyabout | 1967 | ||
Y-12 C | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Coca-Cola | 1979 | |
Y-12 C | 1912 Ford Model T Pickup | 1985 | ||
Y-12 C | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Heinz | 1986 | |
Y-12 D | 1829 Stephenson’s Rocket | 1987 | ||
Y-12 E | 1937 GMC Van | Goblin | 1988 | |
Y-13 A | 1862 American General Class Locomotive | 1959 | ||
Y-13 B | 1911 Daimler Type A12 | 1966 | ||
Y-13 C | 1918 Crossley | R.A.F. Tender | 1975 | |
Y-13 D | 1918 Crossley | Evans Bros. | 1979 | |
Y-14 A | 1903 Duke of Connaught Locomotive | 1959 | ||
Y-14 B | 1911 Maxwell Roadster | 1965 | ||
Y-14 C | 1931 Stutz Bearcat | 1974 | ||
Y-14 D | 1935 E.R.A. R.1.B | 1986 | ||
Y-15 A | 1907 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost | 1960 | ||
Y-15 B | 1930 Packard Victoria | 1969 | ||
Y-15 C | 1920 Preston Tramcar | Swan Vestas | 1987 | |
Y-16 A | 1904 Spyker Veteran Automobile | 1961 | ||
Y-16 B | 1928 Mercedes-Benz SS Coupe | 1972 | ||
Y-16 B | 1928 Mercedes-Benz SS Coupe | 1985 | ||
Y-16 C | 1960 Ferrari Dino 246/V12 | 1986 | ||
Y-16 D | 1922 Scania Vabis Half Track Post Bus | 1988 | ||
Y-16 E | 1929 Scammell 100 Ton Low Loader | 1989 | ||
Y-17 | 1938 Hispano Suiza | 1975 | ||
Y-18 A | 1937 Cord 812 Sedan | 1979 | ||
Y-18 B | 1918 Atkinson Model D Steam Wagon | Lake Goldsmith | 1985 | |
Y-18 B | 1918 Atkinson Model D Steam Wagon | Blue Circle Cement | 1986 | |
Y-18 B | 1918 Atkinson Model D Steam Wagon | Bass | 1987 | |
Y-18 B | 1918 Atkinson Model D Steam Wagon | Burghfield Mills | 1988 | |
Y-19 A | 1936 Auburn Speedster 851 | 1979 | ||
Y-19 B | 1905 Fowler B6 Showmans Engine | Hey-Ho Come to the Fair | 1986 | |
Y-19 C | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Brasso | 1987 | |
Y-20 | 1937 Mercedes-Benz 540K | 1981 | ||
Y-21 A | 1930 Ford Model A Woody Wagon | 1981 | ||
Y-21 B | 1930 Ford Model A Tradesman Woody Wagon | A&J BOX | 1983 | |
Y-21 C | 1894 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller | James Young | 1987 | |
Y-21 D | 1957 BMW 507 | 1988 | ||
Y-21 E | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Osram | 1989 | |
Y-22 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | OXO | 1982 | |
Y-23 A | 1922 AEC Omnibus | Schweppes | 1983 | |
Y-23 B | 1930 Mack AC Tanker | Texaco | 1989 | |
Y-24 | 1928 Bugatti T44 | 1983 | ||
Y-25 | 1910 Renault Type AG Van | Perrier | 1983 | |
Y-25 | 1910 Renault Type AG Van | Red Cross | 1986 | |
Y-26 | 1918 Crossley Delivery Truck | Löwenbräu | 1984 | |
Y-27 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Pickfords | 1984 | |
Y-27 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Frasers´ | 1986 | |
Y-27 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Spillers | 1987 | |
Y-27 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Guinness | 1989 | |
Y-28 | 1906 Unic Taxi | 1984 | ||
Y-29 | 1919 Walker Electric Van | Harrods | 1985 | |
Y-30 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Acorn Storage | 1985 | |
Y-30 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Arctic Ice Cream | 1985 | |
Y-31 | 1931 Morris Courier | Kemp´s | 1990 | |
Y-32 | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | Samuel Smith | 1990 | |
Y-33 | 1930 Mack AC Truck | Good Year | 1990 | |
Y-34 | 1933 Cadillac 452 V16 | 1990 | ||
Y-35 | 1930 Ford Model A Pickup Truck | Fresh Farm Milk | 1990 | |
Y-36 | 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom 1 | 1990 | ||
Y-37 | 1929 Garrett Steam Wagon | Chubb’s | 1990 | |
Y-38 | 1920 Rolls-Royce Armoured Car | 1990 | ||
Y-39 | 1820 Passenger Coach & Horses | 1990 | ||
Y-40 | 1931 Mercedes-Benz 770 | 1991 | ||
Y-41 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Howaldswerke | 1991 | |
Y-42 | 1939 Albion 10 Ton CX27 Lorry | 1991 | ||
Y-43 | 1905 Busch Self Propelled Fire Engine | 1991 | ||
Y-44 | 1910 Renault Type AG Bus | Wesserling-Bussang | 1991 | |
Y-45 | 1930 Bugatti Royale Napoleon | 1991 | ||
Y-46 | 1880 Merryweather Fire Engine | 1991 | ||
Y-47 | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Lindt | 1991 | |
Y-61 | 1933 Cadillac V16 Fire Engine | Feuerwehr Aarau | 1992 | |
Y-62 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | G.W.Peacock | 1992 | |
Y-63 | 1939 Bedford Type KD Truck | Georg Farrar | 1992 | |
Y-64 | 1938 Lincoln Zephyr | 1992 | ||
Y-65 | 1928 Austin 7 Van | 1992 | ||
Y-65 | 1928 BMW Dixie | 1992 | ||
Y-65 | 1928 Rosengart | 1992 | ||
Y66 | 1762 Gold State Coach | 1992 | ||
YAS01 | 1829 Stephenson’s Rocket | The Age of Steam | 1996 | |
YAS02 | 1929 Foden Steam Wagon | Hulton Coals | The Age of Steam | 1996 |
YAS03 | 1894 Aveling & Porter Steam Roller | P. B. Coulson | The Age of Steam | 1996 |
YAS04 | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | The De Selby Quarries Co. | The Age of Steam | 1996 |
YAS05 | 1905 Fowler B6 Showmans Engine | Hoadley’s Fair | The Age of Steam | 1996 |
YAS06 | 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon | J.B Kind | The Age of Steam | 1996 |
YAS07 | 1929 Fowler Crane Engine | Marstons Road Services | The Age of Steam | 1998 |
YAS08 | 1912 Burrel Traction Engine | The Age of Steam | 1998 | |
YAS09 | 1929 Garrett Steam Wagon | Rainford | The Age of Steam | 1998 |
YAS10 | 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon | City of Westminster | The Age of Steam | 1997 |
YAS11 | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | Great Western Railway | The Age of Steam | 1998 |
YAS12 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | R. Brett | The Age of Steam | 1998 |
YCC01 | 1928 Austin 7 Van | zelený, modrý, červený a bílomodrý model | Christmas Treasures | 1994 |
YCC02 | 1928 Austin 7 Van | zelený, zlatý, červený a bílý model | Christmas Treasures | 1995 |
YET01 | 1920 Preston Tramcar | Yorkshire Relish | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YET02 | 1930 Leyland Titan TD1 Bus | Van Houten’s Cocoa | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YET03 | 1931 Diddler Trolley Bus | Lion Black Lead | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YET04 | 1922 Scania Post Bus | Stockholm Atomobil Trafik Aktiebolag | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YET05 | 1922 AEC Omnibus | Kennedys | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YET06 | 1910 Renault Type AG Bus | Paris | The Trolleys, Trams and Buses | 1996 |
YFE01 | 1920 Mack AC Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1994 | |
YFE02 | 1952 Land Rover Auxiliary | The Fire Engine Series | 1994 | |
YFE03 | 1933 Cadillac V16 Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE04 | 1939 Bedford Type KD Water Tanker | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE05 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Ladder Truck | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE06 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE07 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz KS15 Fire Truck | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE08 (YSFE02) | 1936 Leyland Cub FK-7 Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1995 | |
YFE09 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Open Cab Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1996 | |
YFE10 | 1937 GMC Van | Rescue Squad | The Fire Engine Series | 1996 |
YFE11 | 1923 Mack AC Tanker | Fire Dept. | The Fire Engine Series | 1996 |
YFE12 | 1930 Ford Model A Pickup Truck | Batalion Chief’s Vehicle | The Fire Engine Series | 1996 |
YFE13 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Longueville | The Fire Engine Series | 1997 |
YFE14 | 1953 Ford F100 Pickup | Garden City F.D. | The Fire Engine Series | 1997 |
YFE15 | 1935 Mack AB Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1997 | |
YFE16 | 1948 Dodge Route Van | Fire Fighting Support Truck | The Fire Engine Series | 1997 |
YFE17 | 1939 Bedford Type KD Pump / Hose Fire Truck | City of Manchester | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 |
YFE18 | 1950 Ford E 83 W Van | The Fire Engine Series | 1997 | |
YFE19 | 1914 Merryweather Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE20 | 1912 Benz Motorspritze | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE21 | 1907 Seagrave AC53 Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE22 | 1916 Ford Model T Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE23 | 1906 Waterous Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE24 | 1911 Mack Fire Engine | The Fire Engine Series | 1998 | |
YFE25 (YYM35187) | 1954 Ford F100 Pickup | Civil Defense Truck | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 |
YFE26 (YYM35188) | 1952 Land Rover Royal Navy Rescue Truck | Royal Navy | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 |
YFE27 (YYM35189) | 1941 Chevrolet Model AK 1/5 Ton Pickup | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 | |
YFE28 (YYM35190) | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Fire Engine | White Forest | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 |
YFE29 (YYM35191) | 1939 Bedford Type KD Fire Truck Bristol Airport | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 | |
YFE30 (YYM35192) | 1937 GMC Van | Ambulance | Fire and Rescue Support Vehicle | 1999 |
YGB01 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | XXXX | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB02 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Beck | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB03 | 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon | The Swan Brewery | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB04 (YY047/SA) | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Fuller’s | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB05 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Carlsberg | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB06 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Holsten Beer | Great Beers of the World | 1993 |
YGB07 | 1910 Renault Type AG Van | Kronenbourg | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB08 | 1937 GMC Van | Steinlager | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB09 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Moosehead | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB10 | 1927 Talbot Van | South Pacific | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB11 | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Whitbread’s | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB12 | 1917 Yorkshire Steam Wagon | Löwenbräu | Great Beers of the World | 1994 |
YGB13 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Anchor | Great Beers of the World | 1995 |
YGB14 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Kirin | Great Beers of the World | 1995 |
YGB15 | 1929 Garrett Steam Wagon | Flowers | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB16 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Corona | Great Beers of the World | 1995 |
YGB17 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Henninger | Great Beers of the World | 1995 |
YGB18 | 1931 Morris Courier Van | Cascade | Great Beers of the World | 1995 |
YGB19 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Yuenling | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB20 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Stroh’s | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB21 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | DAB | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB22 | 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon | Beamish | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB23 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Tsingtao | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YGB24 | 1939 Bedford Type KD Truck | Tooheys | Great Beers of the World | 1996 |
YHN01 | 1955 Holden FJ 2104 Panel Van | Australian Holden Collection | 1997 | |
YHN01/SB | 1955 Holden FJ 2104 Panel Van | Ambulance | Australian Holden Collection | 1997 |
YHN02 | 1954 Holden FJ 2106 Pickup | Australian Holden Collection | 1997 | |
YHN03 | 1951 Holden FX 2106 Pickup | Australian Holden Collection | 1997 | |
YCH01 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Ronald McDonald House South Australia | McDonald’s | 1995 |
YCH02 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Ronald McDonald House CAMP QUALITY | McDonald’s | 1996 |
YCH02 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | Camp Quality | McDonald’s | 1996 |
YCH04 | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | RSPCA | McDonald’s | 1997 |
YCH06 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Ronald McDonald House Western Australia | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YCH07 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | Ronald McDonald House Tasmania | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YCH08 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Ronald McDonald House Queensland | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YCH09 | 1931 Morris Courier Van | Ronald McDonald House South Australia | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YCH10 | 1955 Holden FJ 2104 Panel Van | Ronald McDonald House New South Wales | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YCH11 | 1951 Holden FX 2106 Pickup | Ronald McDonald House Victoria | McDonald’s | 1998 |
YIS01 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Harley Davidson | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1998 |
YIS02 | 1955 Ford F 100 Pickup | Caterpillar | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1998 |
YIS03 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Genuine Parts | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1998 |
YIS04 | 1957 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | American Airlines | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1998 |
YIS05 | 1954 Ford F100 Pickup | Pennsylvania Railroad | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1998 |
YIS06 | 1953 Ford F 100 Pickup | Genuine Parts | The American Giants Pickup Collection | 1997 |
YJC01 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | Penneys | JC Penney’s Promo | 1996 |
YJC08 | 1937 GMC Van | JCPenney | JC Penney’s Promo | 1996 |
YJC09 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Penney’s | JC Penney’s Promo | 1996 |
YJC13 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | J.C.Penney | JC Penney’s Promo | 1996 |
YMC01 | 1970 Chevelle SS 454 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1996 | |
YMC02 | 1971 Plymouth Cuda 440 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1997 | |
YMC03 | 1967 Pontiac GTO | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1996 | |
YMC04 | 1970 Plymouth Road Runner-Hemi | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1997 | |
YMC05 | 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1997 | |
YMC06 | 1968 Chevrolet Camaro SS 396 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1997 | |
YMC07 | 1970 Plymouth GTX | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMC08 | 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 396 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMC09 | 1966 Ford Fairlane 500 XL | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMC10 | 1969 Dodge Charger | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMC11 | 1970 Oldsmobile 442 | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMC12 | 1971 Dodge Challenger R/T | Muscle Cars of the 60’s | 1998 | |
YMS01 | 1911 Ford Model T | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS02 | 1910 Benz Limousine | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS03 | 1909 Opel Coupe | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS04 | 1912 Packard Landaulet | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS05 | 1911 Daimler Type A12 | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS06 | 1911 Maxwell Roadster | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS07 | 1914 Vauxhall Prince Henry | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YMS08 | 1912 Simplex | 40th Anniversary Founder’s Set | 1996 | |
YPC01 | 1957 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPC02 | 1937 GMC Van | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPC03 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPC04 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPC05 | 1930 Ford Model A Pickup Truck | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPC06 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Coca-Cola | Premiere Matchbox Coca-Cola Collection 1 | 1998 |
YPP01 | 1910 Renault Type AG Van | Le Figaro | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP02 | 1931 Morris Courier Van | The Times | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP03 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Berliner Morgenpost | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP04 | 1948 Dodge Route Van | New York Times | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP05 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Los Angeles Times | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP06 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Pravda | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP07 | 1937 GMC Van | The Australian | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YPP08 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | The Washington Post | Power of the Press Collection | 1995 |
YRS01 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | AAA Towing&Service | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS02 | 1953 Ford F100 Pickup | Flying A Tire Service | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS03 | 1956 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Mobil Battery & Quickstart Service | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS04 | 1954 Ford F100 Pickup | Snow Plough Sinclair | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS05 | 1957 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Dixie Gas | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS05/SA | 1957 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1998 | |
YRS06 | 1955 Ford F100 Pickup | Red Crown Emergency Service | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1996 |
YRS06/SA | 1955 Ford F100 Pickup | Fire Marshall | 1997 | |
YRS07 | 1953 Ford F100 Pickup | 50 Years of the F-Series | The Fabulous Fifties Road Service Collection | 1998 |
YSC01 | 1922 Scania Vabis Half Track Bus | Holiday Special | Christmas Specials | 1995 |
YSC02 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Christmas Pickup | Christmas Specials | 1996 |
YSC03 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Open Cab Fire Engine | Fire Appliance, Christmas Special | Christmas Specials | 1996 |
YSC04 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Fire Engine | Santa | Christmas Specials | 1997 |
YSFE01 | 1930 Ahrens – Fox Quad Fire Engine | Fire Special editions | 1994 | |
YSFE03 | 1905 Busch Self-Propelled Fire Engine | Fire Special editions | 1996 | |
YSFE04 | 1927 Ahrens – Fox N-S-4 | Fire Special editions | 1998 | |
YSFE05 | 1880 Merryweather Fire Engine | Fire Special editions | 1997 | |
YSFE06 (YYM35810) | 1956 Mack B95 Pumper | Fire Special editions | 1999 | |
YSFE07 (YYM35193) | 1930 Ahrens – Fox Quad Fire Engine | Coca-Cola | Fire Special editions | 1999 |
YSH1 | 1900 Gypsy Caravan | Heritage Horse Drawn Vehicles | 1993 | |
YSH2 | 1886 London Omnibus | Heritage Horse Drawn Vehicles | 1993 | |
YSH3 | 1875 Wells Fargo Stagecoach | Heritage Horse Drawn Vehicles | 1993 | |
YTC01 | 1941 Chevrolet Model AK 1/5 Ton Pickup | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTC02 | 1946 Dodge Power Wagon | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTC03 | 1940 Ford Pickup | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTC04 | 1939 Reo Speed Pickup | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTC05 | 1938 Studebaker Model K Pickup | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTC06 | 1934 International Harvester C Series Pickup | Classic American Pickup Trucks | 1999 | |
YTF1 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Evian | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YTF2 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Martell | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YTF3 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Yoplait | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YTF4 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Marcillat | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YTF5 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Taittinger | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YTF6 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Pommery | A Taste of France | 1993 |
YVT01 (YYM35253) | 1933 Diamond T Truck | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YVT02 (YYM35254) | 1937 Dodge Airflow Refrigerated Van | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YVT03 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YVT04 (YYM35256) | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YVT05 | 1940 Ford Pickup | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YVT06 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Refrigerated Truck | Budweiser | Budweiser Series | 1999 |
YWG01 | 1930 Ford Model A Van | Ballantine’s | The Best of Scotland | 1997 |
YWG02 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Long John | The Best of Scotland | 1997 |
YWG03 (YYM37791) | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Cutty Sark | The Best of Scotland (Spirits Collection) | 1997 |
YWG04 | 1937 GMC Van | Laphroaig | The Best of Scotland | 1997 |
YWG05 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Sheep Dip | The Best of Scotland | 1997 |
YWG06 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Teacher’s | The Best of Scotland | 1997 |
YY004 | 1930 Duesenberg Model J Town Car | 1996 | ||
YY012 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | Matchbox Junior Collectors Club | 1996 | |
YY013 | 1918 Crossley Truck | Floral Delivery Truck, Sherwood Florists | 1998 | |
YY014 | 1931 Stutz Bearcat | 1995 | ||
YY017 | 1938 Hispano Suiza | 1997 | ||
YY018 | 1918 Atkinson Steam Wagon | Conybeare Gardeners | 1997 | |
YY018A/C | 1937 Cord 812 Sedan | 1993 | ||
YY019 | 1905 Fowler B6 Showmans Engine | Lesney Products | 1997 | |
YY020 | 1937 Mercedes-Benz 540K | 1997 | ||
YY021/SA | 1930 Ford Model A Tradesman Woody Wagon | Pepsi Cola | 1996 | |
YY021/SB | 1912 Aveling & Porter Steamroller | F. Dibnah | 1997 | |
YY024A/D | 1928 Bugatti T44 | 1993 | ||
YY027/SA | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | Fuller’s | 1995 | |
YY027/SB | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | MICA | 1996 | |
YY027/SC | 1922 Foden Steam Wagon | F. Parker | 1997 | |
YY030/SA | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Allentown | 1997 | |
YY030/SB | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Fisherman’s Wharf | 1998 | |
YY032 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | O’Neill Family Produce | 1997 | |
YY033 | 1957 BMW 507 | 1998 | ||
YY034 | 1937 GMC Van | The Chester Toy and Doll Museum | 1996 | |
YY035 | 1922 Scania Vabis Half Track Bus | Snow Mountain Inn, Ski Lodge & Resort | 1997 | |
YY039 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Jack Daniel’s | 1997 | |
YY048 | 1929 Garrett Steam Wagon | Pickfords | 1996 | |
YY052 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Matchbox Collectibles | 1998 | |
YY053 | 1931 Mercedes-Benz 770 | 1998 | ||
YY062 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | The Snowy Carolers | 1997 | |
YY064 | 1938 Lincoln Zephyr | 1995 | ||
YY-65 | 1928 Austin 7 Van | 4th MICA European Convention | 1996 | |
YYM26108 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Matchbox | 1999 | |
YYM35053 | 1946 Dodge Power Wagon | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM35054 | 1948 Land Rover Series 1 | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM35055 | 1945 Jeep CJ2A | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM35056 | 1961 International Scout 80 4×4 | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM35057 | 1966 Ford Bronco | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM35058 | 1969 Chevy K/5 Blazer | Great 4 X 4 Collection | 1999 | |
YYM36400 | 1952 Land Rover Rescue Vehicle | Surf Patrol Rescue | 1999 | |
YYM36791 | Horse Drawn Delivery Wagon | Anheuser-Busch | 1999 | |
YYM36793 | 1922 Scania Vabis Half Track Bus | Christmas North Pole Mail Delivery | 1999 | |
YYM36831 | 1934 Scammell Pioneer Flatbed | Sacks Load, Great Western Railway | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36832 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | Three M | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36833 | 1937 International DR60 | Harley Davidson | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36834 | 1937 Dodge Airflow Tanker | Texaco | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36835 | 1933 Diamond D Low-Wall Truck | Caterpillar | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36836 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Truck | U.S. Steel | Pioneers of Progress | 2000 |
YYM36837 | 1929 Fowler Crane Engine | London Traction Haulage Co. Ltd. | 1999 | |
YYM36839 | 1948 Dodge Route Van | McDonalds | 1999 | |
YYM37631 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Pumper | 2000 | ||
YYM37632 | 1932 Mercedes L5 Spotlight / Generator Truck | 2000 | ||
YYM37633 | 1920 Mack AC Fire | 2000 | ||
YYM37634 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Open Cab Fire Engine | G.C.F.D. | 2000 | |
YYM37635 | 1935 Leyland Cub Motor Pump | 2000 | ||
YYM37636 | 1946 Dodge Power Wagon | Port Vincent | Brush/Field Fire Truck | 2000 |
YYM37788 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Refrigerated Truck | JIm Beam | Spirits Collection | 2000 |
YYM37789 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Bacardi | Spirits Collection | 2000 |
YYM37790 | 1937 Dodge Airflow Refrigerated Van | Jack Daniel’s | Spirits Collection | 2000 |
YYM37792 | 1910 Renault Type AG Van | Dewar’s | Spirits Collection | 2000 |
YYM37793 | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Beefeater | Spirits Collection | 2000 |
YYM37797 | 1920 Preston Tramcar | Coca Cola | 1999 | |
YYM37799 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | US Olympics Team | 1999 | |
YYM38030 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Matchbox Collectors Guild Second Annual Collectors Edition | 2001 | |
YYM38035 | 1951 Holden FX 2106 Pickup | Mr. Fixit | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38038 | 1953 Ford F100 Pickup | Custer, Dry Goods | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38039 | 1934 International Harvester C SERIES Pickup | Wilson’s Grain & Feed | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38040 | 1940 Ford Pickup | Murdock Lumber | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38041 | 1939 Reo Speed Pickup | Forgione Stone & Brick Mason | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38042 | 1941 Chevrolet Model AK 1/5 Ton Pickup | Kent’s Dairy, Milk Churn Load | Small Town Pickups of the Past | 1999 |
YYM38044 | 1930 Mack AC Tanker | Texaco | 2001 | |
YYM38047 (YYM96532) | Sydney Olympics Holden Cars Ltd Edition Commemorative Set | Olympic Set 2000 | 2000 | |
YYM38051 | 1946 Dodge Power Wagon | White Tail Reserve | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38052 | 1948 Land Rover Series 1 S.W.B. | U.K. Pheasant Club | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38053 | 1947 Jeep CJ2A | Bass Heaven | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38054 | 1961 International Scout 80 4×4 | Mataura Brown Trout | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38055 | 1966 Ford Bronco | Marlin Adventures | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38056 | 1969 Chevy K/5 Blazer | Mallard Acres | Great Outdoors Collection | 2000 |
YYM38057 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | American Ambulance | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38058 | 1937 GMC Van | Mercy Hospital | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38059 | 1947 Citroen Type H Integral Van | Ambulance Hôpitaux | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38060 | 1950 Ford E 83 W Van | Uk Ambulance | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38061 | 1955 Holden FJ 2104 Panel Van | Australian Ambulance | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38062 | 1959 Mercedes-Benz L408 | Ambulance | Red Cross Field Ambulances | 2000 |
YYM38182 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck Fire Engine | F.D. No.1 | 1999 | |
YYM38237 | 1912 Ford Model T Van | U.S. Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 1999 |
YYM38238 | 1920 Mack AC Truck | U.S.Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 2000 |
YYM38239 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | U.S. Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 2000 |
YYM38240 | 1937 GMC Van | U.S. Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 2000 |
YYM38241 | 1948 Dodge Route Van | U.S. Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 1999 |
YYM38242 | 1961 International Scout 80 4×4 | U.S. Mail | US Post Office Collection 1 | 1999 |
YYM38259 | 1920 Mack AC Fire | 1999 | ||
YYM38289 | 1938 Studebaker Model K Pickup | Texaco | 2001 | |
YYM38298 | 1955 Chevrolet 3100 Pickup | Texaco | 2000 | |
YYM38336 | 1955 Holden FJ 2104 Panel Van | Olympic Torch Relay | 2000 | |
YYM92014 | 1937 GMC Van | Coca-Cola | 2000 | |
YYM92087 | 1934 International Harvester C Series Pickup | Jack Daniel’s | 2000 | |
YYM92296 | 1937 GMC Van | See’s | 2000 | |
YYM95166 | 1939 Bedford Type KD Pump / Hose Fire Truck | Matchbox Collectors Guild | 2001 | |
YYM96504 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Refrigerated Truck | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2001 |
YYM96505 | 1937 Dodge Airflow Refrigerated Van | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2001 |
YYM96506 | 1932 Mercedes-Benz L5 Lorry | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2001 |
YYM96507 | 1932 Ford Model AA 1.5 Ton Truck | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2001 |
YYM96508 | 1929 Morris Cowley Light Van | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2001 |
YYM96509 | 1926 Ford Model TT Van | Coca-Cola | Coca Cola Vending Machine Collection 2 | 2000 |
YYM96546 | 1948 GMC C.O.E. Truck | Coca-Cola | 2000 | |
YYM96652 | 1941 Chevrolet Model AK 1/5 Ton Pickup | The Harley Davidson | 2000 |
Collector’s Guide to Matchbox Models of Yesteryear zde.
Pavel Lagner